
SPSSs Order 56;

In 1967 P.J. Federico found the first 4 SPSS of order 56 : 10671A, 10739A, 21342A and 21478A.

In 1999 Ian Gambini published 2 small SPSS of order 56 : 929A I_G 1999, 56 : 1005A I_G 1999

In 2014 Brian Trial found 5418 order 56 SPSSs.

In 2018 Bernard Moss found 995 order 56 SPSSs using a transform applied to Brian Trial's discoveries.

More recently Bernard Moss found hundreds more SPSSs in order 56, some quite small. The 4 smallest he found, with sides of 1002, 1044, 1263 and 1437 are shown below.

There are 8395 known SPSSs of Order 56. Files provided as;

o56-929A-I_G.png o56-1002-BLM.png o56-1005A-I_G.png o56-1044-BLM.png o56-1263-BLM.png o56-1437-BLM.png o56-2368-B_T.png o56-10671A-PJF.png o56-10739A-PJF.png o56-21478A-PJF.png o56-21342A-PJF.png